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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61405225).
In this work, a 200-nm-thick gold film with a 10-nm-thick chromium layer used as an adhesive layer is fabricated on fused silica by the electron beam evaporation method. The effects of annealing time at 300 °C on the structure, morphology and stress of the film are studied. We find that chromium could diffuse to the surface of the film by formatting a solid solution with gold during annealing. Meanwhile, chromium is oxidized on the surface and diffused downward along the grain grooves in the gold film. The various operant mechanisms that change the residual stresses of gold films for different annealing times are discussed.
Gold (Au) is a precious metal material, with excellent electrical, optical and mechanical properties. Au films have been used in diverse fields such as the sensor,[1] surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,[2,3] nonlinear laser,[4,5] and photonic crystal.[6] Our previous work showed that Au film combined with dielectric multilayer films can be used to produce metal multilayer dielectric gratings (MMDG) for pulse compression.[7,8] Au film was used to provide a broad reflection bandwidth and reduce the number of dielectric multilayer films.[9,10] Dielectric layers are used to enhance laser damage resistance of the pulse compression gratings.[11] A thin chromium layer was deposited for adhering the Au film and substrate. During the fabrication of MMDG, a variety of organic and inorganic contaminants may be introduced into the grating grooves.[12] The cleanliness of the grating surface has an important influence on the diffraction efficiency and damage resistance of gratings used in the chirped pulse amplification systems.[13–15] However, the cleaning process itself would introduce the chemical degradation and thermal stresses in the coating, which leads to delamination and defects.[16,17] Gold–chromium bilayer is also used on the microcircuit that has been deposited on an alumina substrate. It was comprised of a thin chromium layer for adherence and a gold layer for conductance.[18] During annealing, the structure and composition of the film and interfaces were changed by the diffusion and segregation process.[19] Numerous studies focused on the diffusion processes and were concerned more about composition, structure and electrical properties of the films. Besides, the effects of diffusion on interfacial fracture of gold–chromium hybrid microcircuit films were investigated. Moody et al. demonstrated that chromium in solution is as effective as continuous chromium adhesive layers in promoting adhesion.[20]
However, the effect of annealing time on the film stress evolution has not been reported in detail. It is very significant for engineering such as metal multilayer dielectric grating. It is important to investigate the stress distribution and origin of the film. Previously, many studies were devoted to the origins and evolutions of polycrystalline films such as metal films grown through the Volmer–Weber mechanism. It is generally received that the tensile stress results from elastic strain associated with grain boundary formation during island coalescence.[21] Chason et al. argued that the compressive stress resulted from surface downhill currents which caused an excess of adatoms to be inserted into the grain boundaries (GBs).[22] Other models pointed out that the difference of the surface defect densities on the growth surfaces[23] and surface restructuring during growth interruption[24] could change the stress distribution in film. In this article, we investigate the effects of annealing time on the evolution of structural, morphological, and stress properties. It is found that the annealing time changes the distribution of chromium (Cr) in the gold film and has significant influences on the structural, morphological, and stress properties of the bilayer film.
The Au film in this study was deposited on fused silica (50 mm×5 mm×1.5 mm) by the electron beam evaporation method. Prior to deposition, the substrate was cleaned with petroleum ether and deionized water and then heated to 200 °C. Firstly, the Cr film about 10 nm was deposited on the fused silica at a vacuum pressure of 4.5×10−3 Pa to enhance the adhesion between substrate and gold film. Au film about 200 nm was deposited using the intrinsic Au target (purity 99.999%) at the same pressure and temperature with the evaporation voltage about 20 V and current about 200 A. The cavity naturally cooled to room temperature. Then the sample was transferred to the furnace for the annealing process. The temperature in the furnace was controlled from room temperature to 300 °C at a rate of about 4.4 °C/min in an atmospheric environment. In order to investigate the effects of annealing time on the structure, morphology, and stress of gold–chromium bilayer film, we fabricated five samples at the same time by the electron beam evaporation method and the samples were placed on the line adjacently to ensure the same property before annealing. The holding times were set to be 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 h. The samples were then cooled to room temperature naturally.
The structural characteristics of the samples were examined by x-ray diffraction (XRD) using an x-ray diffractometer (Empyrean, PANalytical) with 2θ in a range of 10°–90° using Cu Kα radiation. The residual stress in the film was also determined by XRD measurement. This was accomplished by scanning the diffracted intensity at the diffraction angle (2θ) around the maximum of the selected peak, centered at (θhkl, 2θhkl). Each peak was scanned carefully in steps of 0.05°. The calculated stress results were given by the software (X’Pert Stress, PANalytical). Surface morphology and roughness were analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM, Dimension 3100, Bruker Nano Inc) by using the taping mode and scanning electron microscope (SEM, Auriga, Carl Zeiss). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, K-Alpha, Thermo Scientific) was used to identify the valence state and content of the elements in the film surface. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements were conducted with a (Tecnai G2 F20, FEI) microscope operating at 200 kV after samples had been prepared by focused ion beam milling. All measurements were performed at room temperature.
![]() | Fig. 1. (a) X-ray diffraction patterns, (b) 2θ of (220) lattice plane and, (c) FWHM of Au films for different annealing times. |
XPS could be used to determine the elements in the shallow surface about 10 nm in depth. We measured the Cr 2p, Au 4f, and O 1s XPS spectra of samples at different annealing times. In Table
![]() | Table 1. XPS data of Au 4f, O 1s, and Cr 2p for different annealing times. . |
![]() | Fig. 3. XPS spectra of Au 4f (a), O 1s (b), and Cr 2p (c) of the sample with a 9-h annealing time. (d) Cr content on the surface of samples versus annealing time. |
We care more about the variations of residual stress in Au films with different annealing times. Figure
Microstructures of the as-deposited sample and the 5-h annealing sample are characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Figure
Correlating what we have found above, we can understand the diffusion process varying with the annealing time and its effects on the structure, morphology and residual stress of gold film. When the samples are annealed for 1 h, the gold film experiences a grain growth process. At the same time, chromium atoms diffuse to gold film gradually. When the annealing time is extended to 5 h, more and more chromium atoms diffuse to gold films in two ways: one is to form a solid solution with gold and the other is to pass through the grain boundary. Besides, forming a solid solution is a dominant way of the diffusing process, which is proved by the results of XRD and TEM. The former way means that the chromium atom occupies the position of a gold atom in the lattice. The atomic volume of chromium is smaller than that of gold, so the interplanar spacing of (220) decreases. At the same time, the FWHM increases because of the lattice deformation. Generally, the residual stress in the metallic material is caused by volumetric change.[25] The subtraction of volume leads to the increase of tensile stress in the gold film.[31] When gold atoms are replaced by chromium atoms, the volume of unit cell shrinks. Besides the process including defect motion and consolidation, and grain growth, the hillock also subtracts the volume of film.[31] In our work, these processes lead to the tensile stress increasing in the gold film in Fig.
Gold films are prepared by the electron beam evaporation method. The effects of annealing time on the structure, morphology, and residual stress of gold film are studied. It is found that the thin chromium layer used to enhance the adhesion at the bottom will diffuse to the surface of the film partially in the annealing process. When annealing time increases from 1 h to 5 h, the chromium atoms diffuse to the surface by forming a solid solution with gold mainly. The residual stress of the gold film tends to increase tensile stress. Chromium atoms replace gold atoms in the lattice, thereby leading to subtractive volume and reduced interplanar spacing. Both replacement and grain growth result in tensile stress. When annealing time extends to 9 h, residual stress develops in the direction of compressive stress. Grooves form and grow at the grain boundaries. Also, chromium oxide diffuses to the grooves and downward to the grain boundary. These processes explain the increased compressive stress for 5 h annealing. The various microstructure changes and operant mechanisms compete between each other, which results in a sophisticated phenomenon in the gold films. It is concluded that changing the annealing time is an effective method to adjust the residual stress in Au film. Our work shows a potential for avoiding the delamination of MMDG by optimizing the annealing process.
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